Jimmy's Services

Jimmy Martin, editor and host of the The JimmyFro Show Podcast since 2011 and editor of popular Starburns Audio Podcasts such as “Here We Are”, “Never Seen It” and “Drug Postive” offers a wide range of services…

Jimmy will also coach new podcasters and podcast editors who are in need of optimizing their recording methods, and recording gear. Get help with questions and issues like…

  • Minimizing P-pops
  • Why doesn’t my podcast sound loud enough?
  • Why doesn’t my podcast sound personal and intimate like Joe Rogan’s podcast or This American Life?
  • How do pro podcasts have so much flow? 
  • How do I remove umms and tongue-tied moments?  

Hang with the Pros!

Learn production tricks used by Starburns, NPR, Earwolf, and Panoply…

Subscribe to Jimmy’s YouTube page and watch his tutorials on how to use Audacity to make your podcast sound like the pros.  You don’t want people to skip past your podcast because it’s harsh or they can’t hear it.  Learn how to use an equal amount of gain and volume range in order to make your podcast sound full and loud.

You may have great content, but if people can’t hear it they will remove it!

Contact Jimmy to learn more.